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  • What ingredients and allergens are there in a Brigadeiro?
    The basic ingredients are; Sweet condensed milk Whole milk Butter and milk fat Most Brigadeiros also include: Cocoa powder Cocoa butter Some Brigadeiros MAY contain nuts or traces of nuts Some recipes may contain gluten Some recipes contain citrus/fruit
  • How long can you keep Brigadeiros?
    Brigadeiros is a product that is traditionally made by hand. We recommend consuming the product within 7 days. After three days, however, the properties may already show some changes such as losing color and gloss or slightly saccharifying. The taste remains just as good. Store Brigadeiros in the fridge and take them out of the fridge half an hour before serving.
  • Do the Brigadeiros contain palm oil?
    Shop for Brigadeiros does not use palm oil in the brigadeiros
  • Are the brigadeiros vegetarian?
    Yes, our brigadeiros do not contain animal fats and are therefore vegetarian
  • Are the brigadeiros vegan?
    No, the brigadeiros contain milk and butter products and are therefore not vegan
  • Do the brigadeiros contain gluten?
    Brigadeiros are made without wheat ingredients, nevertheless the products may contain traces of gluten.
  • Are brigadeiros suitable for people with a milk or soy allergy?
    No, the brigaderios contain milk or soy ingredients and are therefore not suitable for people with a milk or soy allergy.
  • Are brigadeiros suitable for people with a nut allergy?
    No, all brigadeiros may contain traces of allergenic ingredients such as eggs, sesame, gluten and peanuts.
  • Is a price or invoice included in the package?
    No, we do not include invoices with the package, so the package remains a unique gift experience.
  • What ingredients and allergens are there in a Brigadeiro?
    The basic ingredients are; Sweet condensed milk Full Milk Butter and milk fat Most Brigadeiros also include: Cocoa powder Cocoa butter Some Brigadeiros MAY contain nuts or traces of nuts Some recipes may contain gluten Some recipes contain citrus / fruit
  • How long can you keep Brigadeiros?
    Brigadeiros is a product that is traditionally made by hand.We recommend consuming the product within 7 days.After three days, however, the properties may already show some changes, such as losing color and gloss or slightly saccharifying.The taste remains just as good. Keep Brigadeiros in the fridge and take them out of the fridge half an hour before serving.
  • Do the Brigadeiros contain palm oil?
    Shop for Brigadeiros does not use palm oil in the brigadeiros
  • Are the brigadeiros vegetarian?
    Yes, our brigadeiros do not contain animal fats and are therefore vegetarian
  • Are the brigadeiros vegan?
    No, the brigadeiros contain milk and butter products and are therefore not vegan
  • Do the brigadeiros contain gluten?
    Brigadeiros are made without wheat ingredients, however the products may contain traces of gluten.
  • Are brigadeiros suitable for people with a milk or soy allergy?
    No, the brigaderios contain milk or soy ingredients and are therefore not suitable for people with a milk or soy allergy.
  • Are brigadeiros suitable for people with a nut allergy?
    No, all brigadeiros can contain traces of allergenic ingredients such as eggs, sesame, gluten and peanuts.
  • Will a price or invoice be included in the package?
    No, we do not include invoices with the package, so the package remains a unique gift experience.
  • Quais ingredients e alergenos existem em um Brigadeiro?
    Os ingredients basics são; Leite condensado Leite Completo Manteiga e gordura do leite A maioria dos Brigadeiros também including: Cacau em po Manteiga de cacau Alguns brigadeiros PODEM conter nozes ou vestígios de nozes Algumas receitas podem conter gluten Algumas receitas contêm frutas cítricas
  • Quanto tempo você consegue ficar com os Brigadeiros?
    Brigadeiros é um produto tradicionalmente facto à mão.Recomendamos consumir o produto em ate 7 dias.Após três dias, porém, as propriedades já podem apresentar algumas alterações, como perda de cor e brilho ou levemente sacarificantes.O sabor permanece tão bom. Guarde os brigadeiros na geladeira e retire da geladeira meia hora antes de servir.
  • Os brigadeiros contem oleo de palma?
    Shop for brigadeiros não usa óleo de palma nos brigadeiros
  • Os brigadeiros são vegetarianos?
    Sim, nossos brigadeiros não contêm gorduras animais e portanto são vegetarianos
  • Os brigadeiros são veganos?
    Não, os brigadeiros contêm leite e derivados e, portanto, não são veganos
  • Os brigadeiros contêm gluten?
    Os brigadeiros são Feitos sem ingredients de trigo, porém os produtos podem conter vestígios de gluten.
  • Os brigadeiros são adequados para pessoas com alergia ao leite ou soya?
    Não, os brigaderios contêm leite ou ingredients de soya e, portanto, não são adequados para pessoas com alergia ao leite ou soya.
  • Os brigadeiros são adequados para pessoas com alergia a nozes?
    Não, todos os brigadeiros podem conter vestígios de ingredientes alergênicos como ovos, gergelim, glúten e amendoim.
  • Sera incluído um preço ou fatura no pacote?
    Não, não incluímos faturas com o pacote, então o pacote continua sendo uma experiência única de presente.
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